Thug Kitchen 21 Day Challenge – Prep for Week 3

Jul 23, 2016Thug Kitchen Challenge, Thug Kitchen Guides0 comments

Thug Kitchen Prep Week 3

Today I am posting Thug Kitchen Prep Week 3 ideas 🙂 Tomorrow, week three begins! Wow time has flown by like crazy!  I have thoroughly enjoyed it, however I am pooped.  I will be planning my next blog challenge after this ends for the next month or so.  It will happen in September and it will be a bit different from blog challenges that I have done in the past.  I am very excited and I hope you are too!

So let’s get to a few tips, based on the Week 3 PDF I posted on Tuesday.  These are prep ideas that will help you for the week ahead.  The more you can do in advance, the better.

Step one, wash and cut the veggies

  1. Blueberries (just wash and dry)
  2. Mint (just wash and dry)
  3. Spinach (just wash and dry)
  4. Peaches (wash well, blend one into a pulp, and freeze, juice the rest)
  5. Snap peas (trim ends off)

Step two, make the peanut sauce for the snap pea dip

  • It can last for several days in the fridge, and the sauce gets better over time anyways

Make brown rice

  • this will be used for the veggie burgers, and it’s good for it to be cold in advance

Make the peach pudding

  • use the peach juice from earlier
  • store in fridge, therefor you have one a day for dessert for the next four days!

The rest can be made the day of.  I think for the quinoa oatmeal you can also make in advance if you like, but because it cooks undisturbed for half an hour, I will probably just let it simmer as I get ready for work.

That’s all folks! Enjoy and I will see you tomorrow for the first recipe for week 3!
